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Cambodia Postal Code

All Postal Codes in Cambodia

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About Cambodian postcodes

Postal codes in Cambodia have six numbers and they are placed at the end of the address.

Explore the Cambodia Map

You can click on the interactive map below to explore the beautiful regions of Cambodia. Simply select a province to view its postal code and address details, making it easier for you to navigate and plan your travels.
Kep Province Kampot Province Mondul Kiri Province Ratanak Kiri Province Steung Treng Province Kratie Province Prey Veng Province Preah Vihear Province Siem Reap Province Pursat Province Pailin Province Oddar Meanchey Province Kampong Chhnang Province Kampong Cham Province Kampong Speu Province Kandal Province Phnom Penh Capital Kampong Thom Province Banteay Meanchey Province Battambang Province Koh Kong Province Takeo Province Preah Sihanouk Province Svay Rieng Province