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Battambang Province places with letter P

On this page you can see the list of all the communes in Battambang Province with the letter A. Click on the place name to see map and postcode.

Battambang Province places with letter P

Country Commune Postcode
CambodiaPeam Aek Commune 020405
CambodiaPreak Khpob Commune 020403
CambodiaPreak Luong Commung 020404
CambodiaPreak Norint Commune 020401
CambodiaPrey Chas Commune 020406
CambodiaPech Chenda Commune 021302
CambodiaPhnum Proek Commune 021301
CambodiaPhlov Meas Commune 020703
CambodiaPhnum Sampov Commune 020106
CambodiaPreaek Chik Commune 020601
CambodiaPrey Tralach Commune 020602
CambodiaPreaek Preah Sdach 021402
CambodiaPreah Phos Commune 021204
CambodiaPrey Khpos Commune 020304
CambodiaPrey Svay Commune 020503
CambodiaPrey Touch Commune 020506